The Thrift Diving Podcast
Inspiring you to decorate, improve, and maintain your home with DIY, without compromising your wallet, the environment, or style.
148 episodes
Social Media is KILLING Our Creativity! - #148
In this episode, I’m sharing my recent struggles with feeling uninspired and disconnected from the projects that used to spark joy for me. Life has been “lifin’,” and honestly, social media hasn’t helped. I’ll talk about how anxiety...
Season 1
Episode 148

Why We Lose Our Creative Spark (And How to Get It Back!) - #147
I have a confession: I haven't been feeling very creative lately. I've been working on projects behind-the-scenes, but I haven't felt that same creative spark and excitement. I've felt stuck and absorbed in other things, particularly family mat...

The 46 Top Hand Tools For Your DIY Toolbox! - #146
I talk a lot about power tools, but I often don't mention all the hand tools that are most important for your DIY toolbox! Join me and listener, Elizabeth, who is a former shop teacher, as we talk about all the hand tools that you should put on...
Season 1
Episode 146

How Thrift Diving Went from a Hobby to a Business! - #145
In this episode, my friend and I discuss how I got started with Thrift Diving, the evolution of my brand, and the challenges and rewards of running a DIY blog and YouTube channel. From thrift store finds to major brand partnerships, we co...
Season 1
Episode 145

How to Get Almost ANYTHING Done in 5 Minutes - #144
It's hard to believe, but you can get almost anything done if you focus on it for 5 minutes at a time. I've been using this strategy this week to knock out some of my most stressful "MUST DOs" that I have been ignoring. But I'm finding that by ...
Season 1
Episode 144

This Is Why I Haven't Been Posting Much - #143
As we approach mid-2024, I've been wrestling with late-night anxieties about unmet goals, unfinished DIY projects, health and family concerns, and more. Today, I share with you why I haven't been posting much, including why things feel like the...
Season 1
Episode 143

How to Fall In Love With Your Home Again - #142
When we spend too much time around something (or someone!) we stop noticing all the things that make them special and unique, and we start taking it for granted. The same can be true for our home, as well. After living in your home for awhile, ...
Season 1
Episode 142

Do These 7 Home Maintenance Tasks NOW! - #141
I know that home maintenance sucks, and it would be nice to hire someone else to take care of all of it for you. But most of us can't afford that or don't have the expertise. But there are some things we can do ourselves and we sho...
Season 1
Episode 141

What It's Really Like for a "Newbie" to Do Their First Room Makeover - #140
We're going behind-the-scenes to hear the complete story of that epic bathroom makeover that I just finished in my best girlfriend's bathroom! What makes this an inspiring episode is that my friend and I get vulernable about what...
Season 1
Episode 140

Finishing the Interior of a "She Shed" Workshop! (w/Guest Diane Dains) - #139
I love hearing from other women who decided to make the leap and buy a "she shed" to turn it into a workshop! Reader and fellow DIYer in the Thrift Diving community, Diane Dains, did that very thing: she bought a huge 16' x 28' shed...
Season 1
Episode 139

This Bathroom Makeover Brought Me Closer to My Best Friend - #138
In this episode, I dive into an exciting new challenge: renovating a friend's bathroom. This project is an exciting new path from my usual DIY projects in my own 1973 home! I partnered with BathWorks for this extensive makeover, facing unexpect...
Season 1
Episode 138

I Was Too Poor to Volunteer...Until Now! - #137
I'm sharing my personal journey of giving back with Habitat for Humanity. I reflect on my early desire to volunteer, the challenges of balancing work and family, and the fulfilling experience of joining Habitat. As a crew leader, I contribute t...
Season 1
Episode 137

Let's Set Our 2024 Goals! - #136
This is my favorite time of year! I love setting goals for the new year. Last year, though, I didn't set goals, but rather, set "themes" for how I wanted my life to go in 2023:FlowConnectionSimplicity<...
Season 1
Episode 136

I'm Doing the 75 Hard MENTAL TOUGHNESS Challenge! - #135
I tend to DIY everything in my life, even my health and workouts in order to lose weight and get mentally stronger. I told you in a recent episode that I am doing the 75 Hard Challenge, which is a mental toughness challenge that requires you to...
Season 1
Episode 135

I'm Making Over THIS Outdated Bathroom in a Friend's House! - #134
Not everyone is a DIY'er....and not everyone can afford thousands of dollars to rip out their bathroom and start over! So I'm teaming up with a good friend who has wanted to make over her bathroom for YEARS, but she has felt stuck: it's too exp...
Season 1
Episode 134

'Twas the Night Before Thrifting! - #133
‘Twas the night before thrifting, when all through the houseNot an outfit needed washing, not even a blouse;The laundry was folded by the dryer with care,In hopes that tomorrow I’ll buy more things to wear;My husband was nestled...
Season 1
Episode 133

What Kind of Paint Sprayer Should You Buy for DIY Projects? - #132
If you're a DIYer, then you'll want to buy a paint sprayer for your DIY toolbox, but what kind should you buy? There are 3 types, but for DIY projects, there are only two you really should consider: an HVLP paint sprayer and an airless paint sp...
Season 1
Episode 132

Ask Me ANYTHING! (Q & A) - #131
Last month I asked you on YouTube to ask me ANYTHING, and today, I answered them! Got a burning question about DIY or something person? Send me an email (serena@thriftdiving.com) or DM me
Season 1
Episode 131

"I'm Never Renting My Home Again!!" - #130
In this episode, I share with you how the tenant that just moved out of my rental townhouse caused me to spend over $8,000 on new carpet due to dog urine, including other damage that she left behind without telling me. In this episode, I'll sha...

20 Surprising Things I Learned in Carpentry Class! - #129
Several years ago I decided to go back to school for a Carpentry program at my local community college. I learned so many things but these 20 things about construction, building trades, and more were the most surprising bits of information lear...
Season 1
Episode 129

Do You HAVE to Sand or Prime Furniture Before Painting?? - #128
Don't believe furniture paint brands that claim you can always skip sanding and priming before painting. I think that's a gimmick to get more people to think their product is the easiest to use for painting furniture. In truth, there a...
Season 1
Episode 128

The "60 Minutes Per Day" Declutter Trick! - #127
We tell ourselves that if we just had the time to declutter a room, we would get it done this weekend....right?? The problem isn't time, though. The problem is that we don't want to face the unpleasant emotions surrounding the declutte...
Season 1
Episode 127

5 DIY Projects That Scared Me to Death! - #126
Not every project is as easy as DIYers make them appear to be! Sometimes they're quite scary because you're afraid you'll ruin it....you're afraid you don't know what to do... you're afraid that you'll not know where to start...And all of these...
Season 1
Episode 126

7 Things I Regret After Buying My She Shed - #125
It's been 2 years since I bought my 16' x 26' "she shed" for my backyard that I use for office space and a creative workshop! What are the things I regret now that I've been using the shed for 2 years? What are the things I absolutely would do ...
Season 1
Episode 125

Where Have I Been? What Have I Been Working On? - #124
It's been a few weeks since I uploaded a new episode, but there is good reason! In today's episode, I share with you where I have been and what I have been working on behind the scenes! What have you been up to?! Send me an email and shar...
Season 1
Episode 124