The Thrift Diving Podcast
The Thrift Diving Podcast
'Twas the Night Before Thrifting! - #133
‘Twas the night before thrifting, when all through the house
Not an outfit needed washing, not even a blouse;
The laundry was folded by the dryer with care,
In hopes that tomorrow I’ll buy more things to wear;
My husband was nestled all snug in our bed,
Asleep after accusing that I’m hoarding again;
And my boys in their jammies, asleep in a snap,
“Finally! I’m free!” I whisper and clap,
When out in the garage there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter.
Down the stairs I flew like a flash,
I had to make sure nothing was wrong with my stash!
The garage was stacked with furniture I stow
How many pieces, I don’t even know.
When what to my wondering eyes did appear,
But a mid-century mod chair that I bought last year!
With a vintage old fabric so awesome and chic,
How dare someone say I’m a hoarder and freak?!
More pieces than I need, all ready to be reclaim,
And sometimes I buy several versions of the same,
Blues! Reds! And greens! Chalk paint I’m a’ mixin’!
Stripping! And sanding! Just needs a little fixin’!
To the top of the ceiling! and from wall to wall!
Now stash away! stash away! stash away all!
As piles spill and crash around my feet, I sigh,
Restacking the junk ‘till it’s ceiling-height high.
So back to my bedroom I once again flew,
With a closet full of clothes, most thrifted, some new
And then, with an inkling, I saw the real truth:
“I don’t need all this stuff!!” And then–poof!
As I drew in my breath, and was turning around,
Down came hangers with a deafening sound.
I was drenched all in sweat, from my head to my foot,
This crap needed to go, so all night I stayed put,
A bundle of dresses I had flung in a sack,
Tomorrow to the thrift store these clothes are going back!
Keep reading the entire poem on the blog post HERE.
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