The Thrift Diving Podcast
The Thrift Diving Podcast
I'm Doing the 75 Hard MENTAL TOUGHNESS Challenge! - #135
I tend to DIY everything in my life, even my health and workouts in order to lose weight and get mentally stronger. I told you in a recent episode that I am doing the 75 Hard Challenge, which is a mental toughness challenge that requires you to do the following things every single day for 75 days, and if you miss ANY of these daily, then you must start over at Day 1:
- Read 10 pages in a non-fiction self-improvement book
- Two workouts each day, 45 minutes each, one of which must be outdoors.
- Follow a diet, any diet. But no cheat meals, and NO alcohol!
- Drink 1 gallon of water daily.
- Take daily progress pictures of your body.
I'm on Day 54 as of the publishing of this episode! It's not always been easy. In this episode, I'm sharing with you how the challenge is going so far, along with some health challenges I recently faced that caused me to question if I am doing the right thing or not for my health.
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